Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sun Turning Beauty

Thanks to my friend and location scout- Lily. I visited the most amazing sunflower farm. Helianthus annuus is the proper name for this beauty. It kind of reminded me of my trip to Southern Spain this past summer. The only difference, is these flowers were alive. (Sorry Spain-- I think the heat killed all of their sunflower fields.) Anyway, the Sunflower is my all time favorite flower. I used to grow these monstrous beauties when I lived in Virginia Beach. I absolutely adore this flower because it's like capturing the sun in your own backyard. Now, to get all scientific and historic on you- this yellow beauty is native to  the Central Americas, but can be found to grow up to unheard of heights in one of my favorite countries- Italy! yes, from a Northern Italian (Venetian) city called Padua dating back to 1526.  How's that for location!  
Sunflowers received their name becacuse they have a phototropic response called heliotropism (sun turning).  The leaves and flower heads of sunflowers follow the sun and their orientation therefore changes from east to west during the day. Now that's beautiful and why it is my favorite flower because it follows the sun! Why not follow the sun!

From an artistic point of view, check out Vincent Van Gogh's famous "Sunflower" still life.

Enjoy! And have a sunflowery day!!! xo

1 comment:

  1. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE PUT THESE ON YOUR BUSINESS CARDS! Gorgeous, isn't adequate......
