Friday, May 27, 2011

Senior Prom

I had the proud pleasure of spending the evening with my cousin. She is a whopping 18 years old and is off to her Senior Prom. I can remember when she was born, and I used to sing broadway tunes to her and rock her to sleep. Now she is the prom queen. I'm so proud of her. Here is a peek at our lovely session. She totally rocked the camera with all kinds of fabulosity. (I just made up a word-- but it works!)  xo Enjoy.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

There's a new sheriff in town!

My oldest little guy is super creative...funny...artistic...and one of the joys of my life. He reminds me of myself when I was younger...ehhh...uhhh...much younger. :-) His imagination is tremendous and he never ceases to amaze me with his playing. While many kids today are plopped in front of a t.v. screen or developing early carpel tunnel with the whole video game thing... my little guy is off creating rocket ships to blast off into space, weird talking robots or just arresting his poor little brother by playing sheriff.( Don't worry-- my little guy always posts bail and gets to take a turn being sheriff) So today's post is dedicated to my little sheriff. May he always have his creative, fresh, imagination.  enjoy! xo

Sunday, May 15, 2011

I am my beloved and my beloved is mine...

Miss me??? I have been missing in action for awhile. Just busy preparing for the upcoming wedding season. I can't wait to make gorgeous photos for my summer wedding clients. Enjoy! xo